Gempar!!! Selepas mendakwa tidak banyak membantu rakyat Muar, TMJ persoal pula asal usul Syed Saddiq

Tengku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) dilihat masih tidak berpuashati dengan Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman.
Melalui soal jawab di media sosialnya, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim mempertikaikan tanggungjawab Ahli Parlimen Muar itu.
“Promising how and in what way? What has he done since before? Go where the wind blows? This country needs honest, innovative and dedicated politicians. A man of principle. A man of principle not a populist.” tulisnya.
TMJ menjawab soalan daripada netizen yang mahu tahu kenapa baginda tidak menyukai Syed Saddiq kerana wakil rakyat muda itu dilihat boleh diharap.
Menjawab satu lagi soalan netizen, TMJ juga bertitah pihaknya yang berbuat kebaikan di Muar hanyalah Sultan Johor dan pegawai daerah.
“As far as i am concern the only person who is doing good for Muar now is Tuanku Sultan Johor and our District Officer, Weekly contribution for the last 4 years.” tulis baginda lagi.
Kepada soalan lain yang mendakwa Syed Saddiq telah banyak membantu rakyat Muar dan bertanya sama ada TMJ menganggapnya populis, TMJ menjawabnya dalam bentuk soalan.
“His people? Is he from Johor? Is he from Muar? Are you from Johor? Are you from Muar?
“Do you receive weekly reports from District Officer? Do you receive weekly reports from ketua kampung or penghulu?
“Getting the job done om the ground and pretending to do your jobs on social media is two different things.” tulis TMJ.
Selain itu, ketika ditanya mengenai Ahli Parlimen Pontian, Datuk Ahmad Maslan, TMJ menulis; “He is a good cook.”